Airborne Testing
EURO FLIGHT TEST takes your innovations airborne. Especially in the development phase, early and spiral airborne testing will boost the functionality and performance of your product. We rapidly integrate your prototype or production sensor, antenna or camera into a customizable under-wing or under-belly pod and fly the mission without any structural blockage but with full coverage of the lower hemisphere.
We will provide flying testbeds in several weight, speed and altitude classes customized to your needs. The onboard Flight Test Instrumentation System allows for both viewing data in real-time and recording, evaluating and visualizing post-flight. Your Systems Engineer will operate the payload on-board or from the ground station, depending on the test setup.
Flight path and flight attitude visualization for further analysis will be performed by our simulator.
While you can completely focus on your product, EURO FLIGHT TEST takes care of the airborne part.
Tecnam SmartBay
The “SmartBay of DigiSky” system enables the Tecnam P92 to carry a set of easily interchangeable payloads featuring different types of sensors (e.g. EO/IR, LIDAR, laser scanner, hyperspectral and custom sensors).
The system is composed of one or two pylons which are adapted to the aircraft wing where all the payloads as well as the processors and interfaces needed for payloads management and collection of data are placed. One pylon holds up to 3 payload trolleys as well as the Payload Control System trolley. Trolleys are easily installed and uninstalled according to a plug-and-play philosophy.
In addition, a Crew Operator Deck (COD) unit is installed in the cockpit for mission management. It provides the pilot or operator with mission information such as target area position, mission progress and payload/system status.
- Payload Weight: up to 30 kg / pylon
- Payload Volume: up to 150 liters / pylon
- Power Supply: 420 W (5V, 9V, 12V or 24V)
- Data Link: LTE with up to 4 Mbit/sec
- Data Connections: HDMI, 4 analog input channels, ethernet, custom line
Photos and text courtesy of “SmartBay of DigiSky”
L-39 Underwing Pods
The underwing pods of the light fighter aircraft L-39, originally designed as external fuel tanks, can be adapted to different payloads according to customer requirements. The pods are attached to the pylons with standard locks, which enables extremely fast and easy (de)mounting. Pods may be provided to the customer for integration of the payload at his premises/labs, which results in low test-campaign durations and thus cost savings.
- Payload Weight: up to 150 kg / pylon
- Power Supply: 500 W / pylon (higher power tbd on request)
The ceiling of the L-39 of 37.000 ft combined with its high subsonic speed (900 km/h) make it an extremely versatile and powerful testbed.