As first commercial European Test Pilot School, EFT recently received approval from the German CAA (Luftfahrtbundesamt) to perform the complete spectrum of flight test training i.a.w. EASA regulations:
- Aeroplane CAT 2 TP and LFTE
- Aeroplane CAT 1 TP and LFTE
- Helicopter CAT 2 TP and LFTE
- Helicopter CAT 1 TP and LFTE
- Flight Test Instructor (A)
- Flight Test Instructor (H)
Following this tremendous milestone, EFT has commenced its first EASA CAT 1 Helicopter course.
Thanks to the trust of our customers, the dedication of our staff and the professionalism of the Luftfahrtbundesamt EFT can expand its promotion of flight test safety and highest standards in flight test to the European aviation community.