Air Data Boom

The air data system combines a Kiel-type pitot static port, vanes for angle-of-attack and angle-of-sideslip measurement and a battery-powered air data computer in a lightweight probe. It is designed for quick and easy temporary attachment to any airframe in fast-paced flight test applications. It provides the following parameters:

  • Pitot Pressure
  • Static Pressure
  • Angle-of-Attack
  • Angle-of-Sideslip

Test flight data can be viewed in real-time on a PC resp. tablet or downloaded and analyzed post-flight. Due to the non intrusive nature of its wifi modem no harnessing of the test aircraft is required.

The wifi system has a range of approximately 150 m. Data analysis can be performed by a flight test engineer on-board or in a chase aircraft.

MeBo Data Acquisition Unit

The MeBo is an in-house design of a stand-alone data acquisition unit. It currently combines a commercial-grade GPS/INS, an OAT sensor, an event marker, connection to the aircraft air data system, a custom datalogger and independant battery power supply into a rugged box. This integrated solution provides the following parameters:

  • Roll/pitch/heading
  • Roll rate/pitch rate/yaw rate
  • Latitude/longitude/altitude
  • 3-axis velocity (North-East-Down)
  • 3-axis acceleration (XYZ)
  • OAT
  • static pressure
  • dynamic pressure

The MeBo is a modular open architecture system which can be enhanced by additional sensors. Next addition will be stick deflection tracking in all axes.

The system may be commercially available in the future pending further development.

WiFi Control Force Sensors

Specific sensors are used for the measurement of longitudinal and directional control forces. Control force data is transmitted wirelessly to a direct read-out display and a logging unit for post-flight analysis.

Pedal Force Gage

The sensor is attached very easily with a strip to your shoe – no further installation required. The display shows the force in Newton in real-time.

Dynon Skyview

The integrated Sykview glass cockpit with synthetic vision provides more than 100 parameters. Specific parameters can be transmitted in-flight via wifi to an on-board tablet computer. Additionaly the full scope of parameters can be downloaded post-flight.