On 4th of August, EFT held the Graduation Ceremony for its first CAT2 Fixed Wing course. This was also the first ever EASA CAT2 course to be completed in Germany. After 4 months of hard work and some long nights the student test pilots and flight test engineers got their well-deserved certificates during a formal dinner together with their families, colleagues and instructors.
As a special guest and keynote speaker Peter Weger, the first-flight experimental test pilot for EUROFIGHTER and Do-328, congratulated them and reminded them of their responsibilities as flight testers. The Best of Class I Award was handed over to Kris, who with his professionalism, dedication and calmness acted as a role model for his colleagues. A special moment of the evening was when the students handed over gifts to EFT management and the instructors.
Thanks to the students for being wonderful customers, for their superiors to put the trust in us and to the instructors for their passionate work! You all made this remarkable event possible!
Student video of their course: https://youtu.be/HcIasqdFcVs